The Institut National des Métiers d'Art (INMA) presents the Class of 2022 of the Prix Avenir Métiers d'Art (PAMA)
A few days ago, the Institut National des Métiers d'Art (INMA) awarded the various categories of the Prix Avenir Métiers d'Art (PAMA), Promotion 2022, at the Ministry of National Education and Youth.
A ceremony in the presence of Carole Grandjean, Minister Delegate in charge of Vocational Education and Training, who took the floor to remind her commitment: "This award ceremony is a great opportunity to promote, transmit and develop French high-tech know-how in arts and crafts. These trades hold the promise of brilliant careers for our young people, in the service of French traditions. I am fully mobilized with the Government to support this sector in the face of recruitment difficulties and to promote the sector from secondary school onwards through orientation and discovery of the trades."
Orchestrated by the Institut National des Métiers d'Art since 2002, the Prix Avenir Métiers d'Art is the only prize that rewards young people in the art trades training courses. It highlights young talents and offers them the opportunity to demonstrate their creativity, their vision and their intelligence in dealing with materials. It is intended to encourage future professionals in these passionate professions and to support them in their future careers.
INMA is coordinating the organization of regional juries and raising awareness among training institutions throughout France in conjunction with its regional correspondents.
The competition, which celebrates its 20th year in this edition, is divided into three categories
corresponding to three distinct levels of training:
- Category 3 (CAP)
- Category 4 (BAC Pro, Brevet des Métiers d'Art)
- Category 5 (BAC +2-3, BTS, Diplôme des Métiers d'Art, Diplôme National des Métiers d'Art et du Design)
The Prize takes place in 2 stages:
Regional juries (for each level, 3, 4 and 5) are organized, in coordination with INMA, by the Rectorats, the Chambers of Trades and Crafts, the Regions, throughout France.
The national juries then select the first regional prizes for each level and are organized in Paris by INMA.
To participate, the candidate must present a work realized during his training.
The Prix Avenir Métiers d'Art is associated with the values of quality, high standards and creativity. The winning works therefore meet rigorous evaluation criteria. According to their level of training, candidates are judged on their technical mastery, their know-how but also on the aesthetics, the creative or innovative dimension of their piece.